Supporting personal & professional growth.


Click each category below to view testimonials from participants at Empowering Communication Workshops.


NVC In Health Care

Gopal Damerla
I hit a wall in the realm of personal relationships. I was afraid to admit that my academic training wasn’t helping... Attending the NVC workshop was a turning point in my journey. Now, I realize that actions speak louder than words and empathic listening is an action — a crucial organ in the body of any relationship. Frustration has been replaced with confidence as now I am at ease listening to my patients or dear ones non-judgmentally. Connecting to them (and myself through self-empathy)…isn’t a mystery anymore. I will always treasure these skills since they are pivotal in spreading the message of love and healing in today’s troubled world.
— Gopal Damerla, MD
Medical care as it is practiced currently is usually an intellectual exercise of following the established standards of care and doing what everyone else is doing. NVC requires commitment from the doctor to see what is emotionally alive in the patient so that a heart-to-heart connection between doctor and patient can take place. Only from that heart-to-heart connection can true caring and empathy emerge, which will transform the practice of medicine from an intellectual exercise into true healing work.
— Van Nguyen, MD, International Intensive Training
The specialty of parish nursing focuses on the holistic nature of health and the ‘intentional care of the spirit’. In a world so focused on that which is counterproductive to the spirit, namely, fear and violence, NVC is a healing balm I can use with my clients. Learning such communication has fine-tuned my ability to respond with compassion. It has helped me to guide clients to the feelings, needs and judgments behind their health concerns often leading to more effective resolution.
— Debbie Stankiewicz, Parish Nurse, MS, RN, FCN, HTP
I work as a general practitioner in private practice. NVC is a blessing for my daily work… NVC enables me to listen empathically and thereby achieve a deeper understanding and a better connection with the patient. NVC taught me that everybody is responsible for their own feelings. The patient is never the reason for the anger or disappointment I experience - he can only be the trigger for a feeling that directs me to my personal needs. So obviously the responsibility for my feelings lies with me. Why is this important? I don’t waste any time and energy blaming others or nurturing negative feelings. I can directly address my needs and proactively create an environment to meet them. And vice versa, I am not the reason for the patients’ pain or anger - even if I have to deliver bad news - I am just the trigger and the responsibility for his feelings lies with him. This way I don’t get caught up in any pain and anger he or she may be directing at me - I have clarity about the situation and can choose my reactions confidently and compassionately… So in essence, NVC is a way of life that has brought me great clarity, ease and empowerment: personally, as well as professionally.
— Marianne Struwe, MD